Taittiriya upanishad anandavalli
Taittiriya upanishad anandavalli

It contains a Samhita, a Brahmana, and an Aranyaka. The Taittiriya recension is the older and more important of the two. This Veda has been handed down to us, generation alter generation, in two recensions: the Taittiriya and the Vajasaneyi.

taittiriya upanishad anandavalli taittiriya upanishad anandavalli

The Taittiriya Upanisad belongs to the Yajur-Veda. Informative explanatory foot-notes have been added wherever necessary. These are followed by commas and the English equivalents. In the translation of the commentary, the words quoted from the text by Sankaracarya are given in italics. The Taittiriya Upanisad is the eighth and the last to be published in the current series, each Upanisad being separately issued in its entirety in book form, from the author’s highly appreciated and avidly read Eight Upanisads, published by us in two volumes. However, this is not ‘the last’, as one more important Upanisad, the Chandogya Upanisad, has been translated by the author, and published by us in 1983, making it the ninth in this series. In the PREFACE to the previous edition of this Upanisad, it was mentioned as the ‘eighth and the last to be published in the current series’. In the references, where only the figures without the name of any book occur, they refer to passages in this particular Upanisad. This edition of the Taittiriya Upanisad has been thoroughly revised by the author himself In the matter of printing, in order to help the reader, more space is given between the translation of the text and the translation of the bhasya.

Taittiriya upanishad anandavalli